In May, we drove down to a campground in Western Maryland! This is a wonderful camping ground with many things to do, sponsored by the Cumberland Outdoor Club.

In May, we drove down to a campground in West Virginia! This is a wonderful camping ground with many things to do. On this trip, we went hiking to clean up a trail. We moved and cut down many hanging branches in the way and drained puddles that needed draining. At night we used telescopes to look around at the stars and planets. For food on this trip, we had some oatmeal, French toast, soup with sandwiches, a variety of food for dinner, and some cobbler to top it off! This was a fun outing, and here are some pictures to go with it! 2022 05 Cumberland Outdoor Club

This was a “feasting” camping trip – we were not short for food! On this trip, we had some cold overnight oats, French toast, soup with sandwiches, a variety of food for dinner (soups, sandwiches, etc.), and some cobbler to top it off!

This was a fun, informative, relaxing outing; here are some pictures to go with it!

By: Elijah Hausman