The Troop visited one of our favorite locations, Dolly Sods, this past weekend. The Sods are located on a tract of land that used to be owned by the Dahle family, and the area is now ~30K acres of wilderness and forest territory within the Monongahela State Forest in West Virginia.

In September 2022 our troop went backpacking in Dolly Sods, West Virginia. This is an incredible place to go backpacking. There are lots of trees, many hiking and backpacking trails, fantastic overlooks, great views of mountains, and creeks everywhere. We started backpacking in Fishermen’s Spring and stopped at Red Creek for our campsite overnight. The next day we went backpacking back to the cars. A lot of scouts went on this outing. In the end, we went over to Lion’s Head and saw an amazing view (at 4000+ feet elevation). For food, we ate oatmeal and grits, packed sandwiches, and beef stroganoff for dinner. We recommend going camping at Dolly Sods!

By: Elijah Hausman