
There are seven ranks in Boy Scouting, culminating with the Eagle Scout rank.

  • The first four ranks (Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ) are a time for a beginner scout to learn skills for outdoors, self-sufficiency, and citizenship.
  • The last three ranks (Star, Life and Eagle) are earned by completion of merit badges, service efforts, and serving in leadership roles.
  • An active boy scout can generally reach the rank of Second Class in about 12 months and should reach First Class within 18 to 20 months.

As a scout advances in rank, he shifts from being a ‘learner’ to a ‘leader’ and is expected to teach new scouts.

  • We encourage younger scouts to go to higher ranking scouts for sign-off rather than to the same adult every time.
  • We allow Troop Guides to sign off for scouts in the patrol they are mentoring and Star, Life or Eagle scouts to sign-off any Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class rank requirements.
  • This helps build relationships with the troop leadership and turns their handbook into an autograph book of other scouts’ initials.

A Scoutmaster, an Assistant Scoutmaster or a higher ranking scout can sign off on individual scout requirements.